Another day staying at home with the four walls and ceiling that were calling out “Home Sweet Home”.    The four walls which some days seem to close in on her as if to say, “You will never get out of my enclosed force field called walls.”   She really couldn’t say that she could actually see the walls moving inch by inch, it was more of a feeling of the walls enclosing on her and the air getting stuck out of the room slowly.   On other days, when the rain or snow was falling, she had to admit how beautiful the snow would look when no one had the chance to walk through it.  When the bad days hit, she enjoyed sitting inside the warm house and not having to go outside to go to a job that she wasn’t sure was going to be there when this virus ever went away for good.

Wearing a mask was not one of her favorite things to do, but she also didn’t want to get sick enough to go into the hospital.   The nurse at the hospital that clean inside her nose and half of her mind, when she had the test, she said the first thing to watch out for was cough, chills, and fever.   Susie had always wondered how her outside skin could feel hot with a fever, but the inside was cold as living at the North Pole.    Inside was shaking like a leaf and the outside was hot as a baked potato.  

Putting on gloves made her hands itch when she wore them and wiping cans that her food came in just seemed silly to her, but she did it all just to stay out of the hospital.  A place that had beds were everywhere, making the building seem to busting at the seams, the beds had taken over every inch of the building and the doctors seemed to be looking for more space for beds that just weren’t there.  She always had wanted to be a nurse helping the sick and injured, but now she was glad that she hadn’t as she watched her next door neighbor dragging her tired old body into her house after a twelve hours day.   Now, being a nurse would seem to be hard work and something she didn’t want to do.

Staying in your home is more confining than being inside a hospital all day long with patients that were in many states of sickness and in many states of hurting.  Being in the hospital at least you have someone to talk to and to care for, something to keep yourself busy, so the many hours don’t seem, so long that you are inside those walls.  Being alone in your own apartment is fine if you are twenty and just starting out.  If you are as old as she is, at the age of twenty six, she wanted to scream loud enough for anyone could hear her.  She had been at her job for at least two years and now, she wasn’t sure her job of being Marcia’s assistant was going to be there whenever she was able to return to work.  Marcia could at least work at her job and earn money, but how could she run personal errands for her, how could she answer the phone, and how could she earn money to pay her bills?

Life had seemed to change for poor old Susie as she stood thinking about her life in the past and she had realized that just last year, she had been a party girl.  She had been invited out to parties which would mean she would drink up to forget the bills she had and the troubles that were plaguing her.   The monthly bills she could understand, but where did all that credit card bills come from.  As she searched her mind to think of all the times she had said “Charge it” instead of using her debit card, she would be like the cartoon that she had watched when she was younger.  “The Flintstones” when Betty and Wilma would yell “Charge it” with their hands high in the sky and would go off to an imaginable store to buy things they needed or that they thought they wanted.   Now days, one thing charged meant you would end up paying double for the things that the modern girls say “Charge it” too.

Today, she is stuck in her home watching the birds fly freely through the air with no mask or gloves on to protect their little bodies from some virus that is in the air.  This virus that seemed to be able to kill people with just by someone else’s coughed or sneezing around them.  People had been coughing or sneezing on and around her for years, so why now does it seem to be so dangerous that it been done.  People hadn’t been thinking about the other person welfare when they had coughed out or sneezed out before ,so why now does someone get yelled at when coughing or sneezing around people.   Yelled at, slugged, and almost to the point of being beating up so badly that the person almost dies from it.  Simply put, the person could be a carrier for this deadly virus that seems to be flying freely on the air stream that goes around us and make us feel deadly sick.

She wanted to make a sign to put on her front yard which would read, “Why not think of others and stay home?  Why don’t people think of others when they are attending large gatherings, stay away from people and wear masks, so other people don’t get sick?           , So other people don’t die because they wanted to see their family or friends.”   She knew all about personal rights and having a parent’s demand for them to come home for Thanksgiving, a friend that was dying in the hospital, or just wanting to go for a walk with a friend to catch up with the weekly gossip.  She knew and understand how staying in their homes get stifling and you want to get out, you feel stir crazy.   She knew all about that and understood it was hard to deal with.

What do you say to someone that is having their wife or husband died and they went to a party that you attended feeling sick?  Does a simple “I am sorry” work in this case that they are simply going to smile and say “I forgive you.”?  She wanted to scream as she watched people walk by her house in front with another person close enough to cough on them.  It was their personal right to be outside and make someone sick enough to die.   Susie knew that she could see both sides of the argument and if it came down to it, she would like to be the one outside enjoying themselves too.   Her parents were very religious and taught her the “Golden Rule” which states “to do to others what you would like them to do to you.”  Would she want to get sick just because someone went to a party sick or would she want to die just because someone else went to a party sick?

The crowd roared for the racers in the race that would push their body to their limits and back again.  They would start by straining every muscle in their body to the limits that they could stand and this was only the first day of their “Race to the Limits”.  Ted didn’t know if he was going to get to the end of the race, but he was going to give it all he had.  The race was going to last for the week and he pushed all the people who had entered to see what they could endure.   There were twenty women and over two hundred men that were going to start the race; he couldn’t wait to see how many dropped out after each race.  The last part of the race was going to be the hardest and they hadn’t even told the racers what was going to happen on the last day.

The whistle blew signaling the start of the race and the runners were off at a fast pace.  The lead changed several times before the runners settled down into a steady pace without someone trying to push another racer out of their way.   The runners were on high emotions because the prizes were high for whoever would win this race. Everyone wanted to win these prizes because winning the house would set them for life.  Whoever wins this race got a brand new car and a house that was just built for this purpose.  Ted wanted to win and get out the tiny weenie apartment that had been home for Ted for the last two years.  He hated those years living in the apartment because neighbors would get drunk or high on drugs, would pound on the walls of their apartment which would echo into his apartment.  He would do anything to win this contest and be able to live in a new house.

With the first day over and done, Ted was bone tired and all he wanted to do was collapse on the ground in a tangled mess. He was questioning his decision to be a week long challenge that he had stupidly though would be easy to win.  They had run five miles in one day, the judges said that their time would be recorded and he couldn’t believe it when some of the runner had taken off at a fast pace trying to be number one finishing the race.  He kept his mind busy as he climbed the stairs to his room with the intention of falling into bed to sleep his soreness away on a cloud.   Taking two pain relievers, he fall into bed after taking a hot shower to wash away the pain and soreness his body was starting to feel.  All he wanted to do was relax and sleep the night away which he hoped he would feel better in the morning for the swimming part of the contest.

One eye slowly opened to find him in the room that he had gone to sleep in.  His body was screaming that he had to go to the bathroom and his body didn’t want to wait much longer.  Ted slowly got up expecting his body’s muscles to scream as loud as they could, but honestly he felt pretty good about how he was feeling.  Standing in the hot shower, he let the steamy water ran over every inch of his body and slowly felt like he could survive today’s challenge to see who could make the whole week without calling uncle.  He wasn’t too sure where he stood in the other runners stats, but he wasn’t going to give up without a good fight to stay in.  Some of the other men were younger and stronger than he was, but he was going out without a fight.

The next few days went smoothly between the challenge of the race during the day and the fun of soaking in the hot tub to ease the pains from the races such swimming, hiking, and bicycling on the first day. Tomorrow was running through the country side and he had walked the path that they were to cover during the day and during one of his boredom times, he actually found a shortcut through the wooded area that would put him ahead of the pack.  The pack had lost several good people during the exhaustion and challenges of the test to see who the best of the best was; his mind kept wandering back to the shortcut through the wooded area.  Could he, would he take the shortcut if the opportunity presented itself?  Going from the rear of the pack to the front of the pack would make him; give him the title of the “Best of the Best” in running at least.  The other men would be envious of him as he crossed the finish line ahead of them.  That would be cheating and he knew that the title wouldn’t be his legally.  It was, so tempting to do take the shortcut, something that he definitely would have to think about.

The next morning came and he was thinking about taking the shortcut to get to the finish line first.  How would he act telling his little nephew when he asked how he crossed the finish line before anyone else got close to him?  Would he say “I knew about this shortcut that cut off a lot of time on my running.”  Would he be honest or would he lie like the consequences would cost him his title?  He knew that he would have to lie and he wondered could he keep it up for the rest of his life.  Could he look into his sweet nephew’s brown eyes and lie like the dickens plus still think he was a good role model for his nephew?  If he cheated would he still be a good role model for his nephew?  What would happen if he tried his best to beat the other runners and then he would be a good role model for all kids?  He probably wouldn’t come in first, but he could say that he gave it his all.  That’s all that matter in his book if he could hold his head up high and know deep in his soul that he was a good role model.

They lined up at the start line and took off without any false start which was a good thing in its own.  Shortcut was coming up and Ted had debated with himself for at least two hours before the actual contest.  He had come to conclusion that the shortcut was not going to be used today by him or any of the other runners today.  He was going to be honest and if he came in at all, he could keep his head high as he told anyone that would listen honest does it pay especially when he is talking with his nephew.

This is a story that I wrote for which uses promotes weekly to see who will the fifty dollars.  Please check out my other stories on this website using this link: .  Please leave comments on what you think of my stories.

via Daily Prompt: Minimal wages is a normal to think about when you are doing several different positions in your lifetime.  Jobs such as low entry position in nursing homes such as bed makers, laundry, housekeepers, and kitchen help.  Something that doesn’t require much of a physical or mental capacity.  I am not calling people that do minimal wage jobs stupid in any way since that is the type of jobs that I had much of my life, much of sixty plus years that I was gamefully employed in the employment section.  What I am saying is that these people do minimal or low entry jobs since (like me), they do not have any extra education or training that would help them to get better jobs.

Minimal wages is where people start to tighten their belts and live on the budget of ramon noodles.   Minimal wages should be for high schoolers or college bound people that still live with momma and daddy which the parents can help soften the fall when they realize that actually working for a paycheck is harder than they realized at first.  I always say to those complaining about their jobs “There is a job that is worse than yours.”  I will get these stares like I am a completely nut that is on the loose.  I will continue by saying “There is a job that you are outside in all types of weather and walking around with a heavy pack on your back.  Packs that are cumbersome and heavy to say the least.  Have you ever tried being a paper person in an ice storm where you have customer that still demand their papers at a  certain time.or how about having a route that your parents take you around in their car when all of a sudden, you get a flat tire.  How about having a customer standing in front of you telling you to do your job and get the paper there at a certain time.  They don’t care to hear your excuse about having a flat tire or the papers were late.  Yes, there are lots of customers that are caring and will listen to you.  There are also the customers that want their papers at a certain time and will start to yell at you when that time comes and goes.”

These are the minimal wage earners that think they are too good to earn money by being a paper person that works six or seven days a week out in all type usually without complaining about how much they hate their jobs.  They know deep with in themselves that they are a special bunch of people that do their job because they know that no one else will do it.  They take pride and making sure their customers are happy because God (and their managers) have pounded into their heads to do a good job.  They do a good job that they are not usually paid good to do.

What I am saying is that if the minimal wage people don’t like their jobs or want more money to do their job?  Then do something about it and get more education or training that will show you are willing to work harder to get more money.  Instead of sitting there crying that life is unfair and how much you need more for a lifestyle that you can’t afford in the first place.  Do something about it!!  Work harder for the money that you earn!!  Minimal wages are for people that don’t want to work a little harder or smarter to get advanced in the workplace.



via Daily Prompt: Jiggle the Elf loved to be center of attention and would always distract the other elves from their work.  Jiggle was the comic who made the elves laugh when they were suppose to be working hard on the truck line for Santa.  Jiggle who the know it all who tried to tell everyone what he though he knew ,but wasn’t all telling the story just exactly right.  Jiggle was  the one who showed the ladies elves just how athletic he was or tried to show them how many little trinkets that he could jump over.  What he did was land right in the middle of the trinkets and something usually ended up poking him in the butt with a sharp edge.   Jiggle was the elf that everyone mad fun of because he tried ,so hard to be everyone friend.  He wanted to be like by everyone and no one really wanted to be his friend simply for the reason that they would be made fun of also.

Tonic was the head elf that everyone looked up and tried to be like.  He had muscles that seemed to grow out of muscles and when he told the other elves what to do, everyone knew that he was always right on the mark with his knowledge.  If Tonic told them to knock a peg six times, the other elves knew that was the right amount to hit a peg before it would slid it’s way homeward.  Tonic would simply shake his head at Jiggle when he showing off for the ladies or the other elves as if to say why do you try ,so hard when you will be nothing like me.  The women adorn me and the men want to be me.

Tonic let Jiggle’s antic go on until the fateful day that he knocked Tonic over in front of Santa and Mrs. Claus.  He was trying his best to show how well the elves had been working and why the elves should have a few hours off before Jiggle came to the rescue of the boring day.  Jiggle was trying to stand on his hands for the lady that had caught his eyes named Lisa.  Lisa was sweet and always wanted to be in the back of the group.  Jiggle thought she was the most beautiful creature of the whole elf town.  On that fateful day, Jiggle was doing one of his miserable attempts to do a handstand when Tonic came in the door.  Up went Jiggle onto his hands an when his feet went up, well, let’s just say that his shoe didn’t stay on his foot,  It went up, up, and up then came spiral downward to land squarely in the chest area of Mrs. Claus.

Jiggle turned completely red from the tips of his toes to the red haired tops of his head.  He knew he was in trouble with Tonic just simply by the look that he received from him.  He knew that he was hot, hot water like no one else had ever been.  It was until the moment that Mrs.  Claus started to strutter “What was that?” and felt around until she pulled out a small black shoes with the name “Jiggle” written on the back of the shoe.  Jiggle wanted to hid until the moment that both Mrs. Claus and Santa Claus started to laugh that belly laugh they both had.

tvia Daily Prompt: Hideout was due west, Clara was sure of that and she knew that she would be safe once she got there.  Out of this blazing sun and into the cool interior of her lone cabin was all she could think of at this time.  The sun was beating down on her back as she urged the horse to go faster.  She would take her horse into the barn to rub him down when they got to the cabin and both would be out of sight of the men that were after her.

The men were mad at her for her trick and when she had done it, she knew people would not be happy with her.  She didn’t think they would hunt her down like a dog to hung from the nearest tree or to tie her to a tree to dying in the heat of the day.  She was scared to death on what they would actually do to her ,but she would hide the horse in his hiding spot in the barn.  She knew that wouldn’t know that they were only inches from where they were searching for her.    Still, she wanted to get to the cabin to secure them in their spots of safety and the men could search for them until they were tired.  She was sure that even if they torched her cabin that both of them would be safe.

A smile crossed her lips as she knew that she was going to safe when she got there.  Suddenly, a bullet sliced the bottom of her right ear ripping a nice cut into the depth of it and blood started to ooze onto her shirt.  Boy, this men sure meant business and they were doing anything to stop her from getting to safety.  Her little trick wasn’t working out like she thought it would and she admitted to herself that she couldn’t blame them from being mad at her.

She had came into town under the disguise of doing some shopping at the local store when she went behind the store to dress in her man’s outfit to rob the place.  She was going to pretend to rob the store ,so that her sleepy little town would have some excitement for once   The townspeople would be talking about the man that had rob the store in broad daylight and made off with the money.   That was the plan to make some headlines for her town that was always complaining nothing happened in their sleepy little town.  She had liked that about the town when she had first moved to this area.  Clara remembers getting excited about the plan and she would head straight back to the cabin to be rocking on the front porch when the men from the town came out looking for the robbers.

Somehow and somewhere, the plan had changed when the store owners wife had fired a rifle at her and barely missed her head.  She screamed which alerted them to the fact that she was a woman instead of man.  Getting no money, she had ran out of the store and jumped on her horse for the getaway.     Moments later, bullets were being fired at her to stop and as she road on, the bullets started to come closer to her body.   She was beginning to think that they might just mean to harm her or kill her.  She wasn’t sure which one they were going to do because she knew they meant to bring her back to town alive or dead, they didn’t care which one they got.


Do you want to see more of this story?   Let me know and I will add onto on Tuesday.


Has anyone else have a certain friend that can’t or won’t understand the meaning of giving a person their personal space?  This so-called friend comes up close and personal just to say “Hi. How are you?  I am fine.”  I always feel like pushing that person back ,so I can actually see who I am talking to.

She will take a step back and after awhile somehow, I find her inching up to the close and personal space.  Like she isn’t comfortable talking from any other place that inches from your nose.  Some days, I am fine with in and will stand there having a nice, polite conservation with her about anything.  Other days, I want to scream at her “Back up now because you have crossed the line for my personal space and I don’t like anyone that close to me.  Not even my boyfriend right now.”   I never scream at her though cause I have my doubts that she would actually listen to what I am saying.  I think she is too d— close for my comfort and she should know when she cross the line.  What do my readers think about someone that is close enough to feel their breath on your check?

I love and respect my friend’s limits on personal space.  I try my hardest not to cross whatever line they have made for their personal space because I have that line which I like when people respect it.  I try to respect their line of personal space ,so when it is my personal space that they will think twice about it.  I know that is a long shot because there is people out in this life that simply don’t care how they offend people.  They will say anything that seems rude and do anything that they please, just to see if their friends will say anything to them.  They love to play the innocent act when it comes to be told that they crossed the line.  Those friends will give you this look like “I crossed what line?”

Specific space or personal space is just different ways to call the same thing.  They want to be treated with respect and trust because they have earned it.  They don’t want certain people close enough to give them a kiss when they are simply having a conservation about anything that they want to talk about.   I have always wondered why people have to be close enough that they look like they are kissing instead of talking?

My boyfriend respects my personal line and when he wants to kiss me, he will stop at that line as if to say “Is it ok to cross?”   I do the same thing for him and it is just plain old fashion thing called manners that some parents have taught their children.  Specific space can be a God sent thing when someone has an odor from work or it can be a pain in the butt when those people that don’t care come into your life.

via Daily Prompt: Fortune of my riches is only in my imagination that is only required in “my” world of reality.    “My” world of reality is something I look forward to and have imagined different ways that the world could go.  I could be as riches as the next President who could shopping at any store in any country that my heart desires.  I could set the next new trend that people would like just because I was seen wearing it even if it was very uncomfortable and ugly.  I could hear people saying “She is worth a big fortune and she was wearing it.  I am going to wear it just because of that.”    I could shop on all the main streets in New York City and not worry about the price or I could look for the little shop that no one knows is there hidden in a corner.  Turn a corner and there would be a magicial store that no one else knows exist.

Fortune is a nice thing to have ,but everyone has to remember that fortune are also meant to share with those in need. Why should the rich pay one hundred dollars for the rights to be seen in the newest trend of places to eat when someone else is standing only feet away from the window hungry because they hadn’t ate for days?   I know that it is their right since they have probably worked very hard for that money to pay the bill.    Sorry, to say that I am the type that would want to eat and pay for my food.  I am also the type that would want to feed the nearest hungry person.   I am the type that want to spread my fortune around to those people that God Almighty has shown me in need.

How does God show me that a certain person is in need of help from me?   Does a bright red arrow point right at them from Heaven as if to say “Help this person!”     God Almighty shows me deep inside my heart that when He blesses me, it would be a good thing for me to bless that person that hadn’t ate for days.  Or to help that family that can’t get toys for their children this Christmas.  In God’s eyes, fortune are meant to spread around since when He blesses me, the blesses don’t stop there because it should continue by blessing someone else.

Fortunes are something I dream about because that is the good side where everything works out for the person.  They can buy whatever new car, bigger house, or newest fashion trend they want to.  They can go out and spoil their children by buying the newest video game they want or the newest toy that their little heart desires.   Fortunes can also have a bad side where with bigger cars comes bigger payments for repairs plus gas to run it down the street.  Bigger houses also mean bigger taxes, repairs, and the monthly bills would go upward.    Buying newest fashion trend and spoiling the kids can get old fast as the fashion shopping would get old fast.  Shopping or should I say spoiling the kids would also get old as they would probably start to act up and demand more than you are willing to buy.

Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt. Not sure how to participate? Here are the steps to get started.

via Culture — The Daily Post  to me means human beings and the only thing that really stand between us being totally brothers and sisters in God’s love is one thing.  God Almighty decided to play a prank on the human being race to see how we would handle this one prank.  Needless, to say the human being race failed it with blinking our eyes once or twice.  Now, do I have you totally confused?

The human being race is made up of two different sexes which are of course male and female. No major difference there and in fact sometimes those two sexes can be friends as well as soulmates and lovers.  There is no major prank from God Almighty there unless you want to talk about the dumb things that those two sexes do to get the other sex to notice them for the first time.   Instead, of going up to a female that a male likes, he will ask everyone to ask her what she thinks of him.  By the time, about twenty different people come up to this special female to see what she think of a certain male, she knows something is up.  She probably has guessed by the time the tenth person has come up to her that this certain male is the one who she has felt watching her every movement and asking everyone what she is doing.  Males are ,so predictable don’t you agree women?

Has anyone guessed the difference that God Almighty probably did as a prank to see how human being would handle it?

How about our personality, talents, and attitudes?  Those three just show how we are different ,but sorry to say it is not the prank.  God has decide to make all of us different in one way or another.  Some people are bullies and thugs while other people are loving and caring toward other people.   Some people are loner while other people want everyone’s attention on them at all times.   Some can do the lowliest job while other people go to school just to be able to boss people around that do the lowliest job around.    Some people want to drive some car that is big and flashy while others are happy just driving an old tradition car that gets them from point A to point B/

God Almighty played a prank on the culture called human being race and that is making us all different colors such as black, white, and brown.  There are many different colors that make up the people that live on this planet called Earth.  I have just one question for someone to answer for me which is Why can’t people just look pass those colors to what type of person lives inside that body?

To me, I hear this saying when I was very young and I loved it then.  God sent down his angels to color the human being different colors just to see how they would handle the different colors.  Who decides that whites are better than everyone else?    Who decided that black people should be slave to white people?  How do you think God Almighty decide the human race handled the color difference?

via Daily Prompt: Chaotic thoughts can scare the person beyond belief.  Just think of your mind thinking about one things such as your children and what they would like for Christmas.  When from the left side comes something about your elderly mother living in an nursing home and from the right side comes something about your husband working overtime once again.  Thoughts are crashing into your mind at the speed of light without having any direction really to go, just crashing in and making sure that you know they are there when they all of sudden crash right back out with the same speed they crashed in.  Thoughts can be evil and from the devil which the devil wants you to think that everyone hates you.  That they would be better off without you and that is when you tell the devil to get under your feet ,so that you can do a tap dance on his head until he begs for mercy.  Just think of the devil under your feet and you are pushing him farther back into hell as you stomp on his head.  With every stomp that you take on his head is another way of saying “Take this devil.  Because I mean business and you are not included in my life.”

Another picture comes to my mind when I think of things and that is that God Almighty is in charge of every detail of my life from my money to my children to my family.  Do you get the picture of calm and collected my life is?  God is there to help us, to hold our hand through the good times as well as the bad times, God is simply there to help us when we need Him which should be in every situation that crosses our path.  We should pray to God on who we should bless when He blesses us, we should pray that God Almighty shows us who to bless and gives us the resources to do so.   God is there to show us the way He wants us to walk and which path He wants us to take.  God is there to test us and make us stronger than we were before.  All we have to do is listen to God Almighty and say out loud that we believe, trust, and love Him.

He helped me face my fears and I have total respect for Him in everything now.  I know that God Almighty is there for me and He is helping me to straight out my life from the mess that I had made of it.  God Almighty has taken out the chaotic thinking and just plain chaotic mess out of my life.  He is showing me that I can love and trust other people that He brings into my life.  He is helping me face my fears on a daily journey that God Almighty and I are in for the long haul together.  Hand in hand with a powerful forces that is there to help is totally awesom.

Chaotic thoughts are a thing of the past for me which now has been replaced by totally belief in God’s love, peace, joy, and that He will be there for me the rest of my life.  God Almighty will be there helping me through this life and my eternal life in Heaven with God Almighty.

via Daily Prompt: Tart  is not how I like my food at all cause I am more of a person that has a sweet tooth that no one would believe.  I am not the type of person that wants to make a face after I have eaten something that I might be craving for.  I like to hear myself say how delicious the food was instead of making a face cause the tartness gets to my stomach which makes it feel like I am ready to throw up.  I know that there a lot of people that love to eat tart stuff ,but honestly I am not one of those people.

Tartness reminds me just how much I don’t like lemons in my ice tea or limes in any thing that crosses my lips.   I know that a lot of people use those two fruits to season or taste different types of dishes ,but I when I am trying those dishes for the first time please please tell me after I take a bite.  I want to be able to give the person an honest opinion of what I am eating and if I know either of those are in there,  just lets say I would be the first to say thanks ,but no thanks to the dishes.

When the tartness passes over my lips and taste buds, I want to spite the food out of my mouth as if to say totally yuck.  I am adult ,so I guess that means I will have to pass it on down to the stomach which will start to protest that it is down there.    My stomach would be doing a tap dance that I would soon not forget or anyone around me.  I don’t suffer alone cause I make sure that someone around me knows just how I feel.

The taste of tartness would start with me making a face that would have everyone watching laughing until their sides hurt.  Then the taste would hit my throat which would protest by saying no way was that taste passing on downward.  I would start to feel sick to my stomach even before it got to the stomach.   Needless, to say that when it hit the stomach I would have to see just how fast I could run to the bathroom to sit on the toilet with my head hang over the tub.

Tartness is not one of my favorite taste and it probably never will be.  I know there are people out there that have craves for it ,but I am not one of those people.   I am not a drinker ,but I have also been told that there is alcohol drink that takes both of those fruits which would not be one of my favorite drinks.   I hope that I am not making anyone angry with my comments or articles because that is not my intention.   I am glad that someone in this world like the taste of tartness because it is only fair that everything is tried at least once by everyone.